
[2.5.12] - July 5, 2024


  • WCAG Improvements


  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.5.11] - April 5, 2024


  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.5.10] - February 21, 2024


  • More SEO Favicon options


  • UI improvements for Quiz, Lesson, Feedback


  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.5.9] - February 5, 2024


  • Support for FontAwesome 4

  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.5.8] - February 3, 2024


  • My Courses Area Position (Alpha - Sidebar - Display My Courses Area before Main Navigation)


  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.5.7] - January 21, 2024


  • Custom Alert ID (Alpha - Custom Alert - Custom Alert ID) - to reset the visibility of the alert

  • Realtime Quiz UI Support


  • Block Timeline UI

  • Feedback Activity UI

  • Login Form - "Show/Hide Password" button now works on key press (Space/Enter)

  • Login Form - "Show/Hide Password" Additional Icon

  • OneTopic format - Darkmode

  • Messages UI

  • Top Bar Logo Height (SCSS improvements)

  • Responsive Layout Improvements

  • Secure Layout - Logo Size


  • Badges UI

  • Badges Remote Badge Missing Image Issue

  • Custom Alert - Close Once

  • Remote badge image issue

  • Report Grades UI

  • RWD Improvements

  • 'Skip to' button z-index

  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.5.6] - December 14, 2023


  • Advanced checkboxes

  • Border Radius Generator (Space - Customization - General - Button Border Radius)

  • RWD Improvements

[2.5.5] - December 13, 2023


  • FontAwesome 6.5.1

  • UI Support for QuickMail Plugin


  • Google Analytics Code Moved to the head and rendered only for logged-in users.

  • Quiz (Drag-and-drop quiz UI)

  • Course Activities Moving/Dragging UI/UX


  • Competencies - Relocate Button

  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.5.4] - December 1, 2023


  • Course Card - Details Button

  • Course Index - Indentaion (Moodle 4.3)

[2.5.3] - November 28, 2023

  • Several improvements and bug fixes (Moodle 4.3)

[2.5.2] - October 7, 2023


  • Child Theme


  • Course Competency UI (checkboxes, dark mode)

  • Glossary UI


  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.5.1] - September 12, 2023


  • Course Index Drawer List Indentation

[2.5] - September 7, 2023


  • Back To Top Button (Space - General - Back to Top Button)

  • Course Card - Custom Fields (Space - Course Page - Course Card - Show Custom Fields)

  • My Courses Box New Features, Better UI and UX

  • Show/Hide Sidebar Button Aria Label (Open/Close)

  • New Admin Settings Icon

  • Sidebar Label on Hover (Space - Sidebar - Sidebar Label Customization)

  • Tooltips for Messages and Notifications (on the top bar)

  • Additional Settings For Custom Items (Secondary Navigation - Only on the main course page)

  • Optional Group menu item (depends on user roles capabilities moodle/course:managegroups)

  • Mass Actions block UI Support


  • Backup UI

  • Calendar UI

  • Course Management UI

  • Forms UI

  • Label Module (RWD)

  • Lesson Module

  • Proctorio Support

  • Course Format Tiles UI

  • Course Image (on the course page)

  • Grade Report UI

  • Login Page (Full-width Select Field)

  • Message UI

  • Subcourse Module Dark Mode Support and Few UI Improvements

  • Quiz Page - UX improvements - Quiz navigation current question

  • Missing aria-label - Notification Icon (Top Bar)

  • Even more WCAG improvements (checkboxes, aria-label, colors)

  • Forum Module UI

  • Theme Translations uses now parameter {$a} instead hard-coded site url.

  • RWD Improvements (Admin layout)


  • Duplicate reactions with Point of view - Feedback Plugin

  • Few issues with TinyMCE editor

  • First-time drawer block open (forceblockdraweropen) - Mod Book, Quiz, Lesson

  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.4.4] - June 20, 2023


  • Minor bug fixes

[2.4.3] - June 6, 2023


  • Missing buttons on Manage course categories and courses

[2.4.3] - June 6, 2023


  • Missing buttons on Manage course categories and courses

[2.4.2] - May 30, 2023


  • Quiz bugs (Moodle 4.2)

[2.4.1] - May 25, 2023


  • Default Course Image


  • Course Card (all area is clickable)

  • Block Navigation UI

  • Showing blocks area on hover

  • UI for Grid Format

  • Grader UI for Moodle 4.2


  • Badges UI elements

  • Grading UI

  • Support for Point of view - Feedback

  • Support for OpenAI Chat

  • Minor Bug Fixes


  • Course Card Get access button (cccfooter))

[2.4] - April 21, 2023


  • Course Index Drawer: Custom HTML Area Above and Below the Content Sidebar - Custom Course Index Drawer Area (Top/Bottom)

  • Additional Body Class depends on user roles

  • Additional ID attributes for front page blocks


  • Right Sidebar

  • UI Improvements


  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.3] - March 20, 2023


- Course page - new block area (Right Sidebar)

- Front Page Block Area #1, #2

- New options for course card like: course description, teacher avatars


- Dark Mode

[2.2.5] - March 6, 2023


  • Hide Details Link (Space - Sidebar - My Courses)


  • Workplace course certificate UI Support

  • Database UI for Moodle 4.1


  • RWD Layout


  • Minor Bug Fixes

[2.2.4] - February 27, 2023


- Grader Page - Select Field Issue (Moodle 4.1)

[2.2.3] - February 25, 2023


- Optional Admin button on the top bar (Alpha - Top bar - Display "Admin button" on the top bar)

[2.2.2] - February 23, 2023


- Optional Dashboard Link inside the User Menu (Top Bar)


- Frontpage Admin menu

- Theme settings: Options that disables features are now red.


- Top Bar Logo Settings

- Sidebar on the Guest user access

[2.2.1] - February 21, 2023


  • Settings to Call to action blocks

  • Text size, weight, color


  • Layout Responsiveness

  • Dropdown UI

  • Admin navigation UI on the front page


  • Dark Mode

  • Secure Layout

  • Minor bug fixes

[2.2] - February 18, 2023


  • FontAwesome 6.2.1

  • Icon for custom modules:

    • Card Box

    • Debate

    • Learning map

    • Live poll

    • Sticky Notes

    • StudentQuiz

  • Layout:

    • New UI for the Course Index Sidebar - The same color schema as the left sidebar

    • New Dropdown

    • New User Dropdown

    • New Debugging UI

    • New Page Navigation

    • Additional CSS class (.underline--anim)

  • Course Index Page:

    • New Course Index Icon

    • Optional Course Index Sidebar

  • Theme Settings:

    • Block order UX improvements (sorting by position)

    • Blocks settings (#15 - #17)

    • Dark Mode - translatable title

    • Dark Mode as a main theme

    • Custom H5P CSS

    • Course Index - Sections inside always collapsed (optional)

    • Main Navigation - Customization

    • Top Bar - Optional Company/Site Name next to the Logo

    • Two additional Block Areas on the Front-page (Front Page Blocks Area #1, Front Page Blocks Area #2)


  • Layout:

    • Advanced Grading UI

    • Atto Editor UI

    • Calendar UI

    • Categories List - indent for subcategories

    • Categories List - Number of courses (now all courses with subcategories are included, not like by default only a parent)

    • Calendar Popover UI (Dark Mode)

    • Course Index - Icons Alignment

    • Block Sidebar UI, RWD

    • Grades Report Table

    • Login Page UI

    • Quiz UI

    • RTL improvements

    • Messages Index

    • Sidebar Responsiveness

  • Core:

    • Course List UI

    • Messages Minor UI Improvements

    • Optional Course Progress Bar (Course Card and Course Index Page)

    • PHP code optimization

    • Several RTL improvements


  • Course progress bar

  • Logi-in Page Language Selector (Layout #5)

  • Minor bug fixes

[2.1.4] - September 22, 2022


  • Sign up layout

[2.1.3] - September 21, 2022


  • Block #1 - Slider Interval

  • Additional Class For Guest Users (moodle-guest-user)


  • H5P bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes

[2.1.2] - September 15, 2022


  • Course Summary Image (added via file manager)

  • Login page layouts - RWD Improvements

  • BigBlueButton UI Support

[2.1.1] - September 12, 2022


  • Course Card Description

  • Login Layout little mobile bugs

[2.1] - September 12, 2022


  • Course Card Description - Max Height (Alpha - Course Page)

  • Course Card Description - on/off

  • Course Card Teachers - on/off

  • Login page - Optional Forgot Password Link

  • Login page - Additional Content under the password field

  • Login page - Display a list of identity providers before or after the login form.

  • Login page - New layout #4 and #5 (Full height left/right)

  • Login page - Show/Hide Password

  • FontAwesome (Theme Setting - General)

  • Footer Social Icons

  • Footer Color Customization

  • Front Page - Main Moodle content included in front page content builder

  • Front Page Block - customization (Main Moodle Content Position - Block #0)

  • Front Page Block - Slider from Alpha 1.5 (Block #20)

  • Front Page Block - Content with Images 2-column grid (Block #21)

  • Front Page Block - Categories List (Block #22)

  • Front Page Block - Categories List - Legacy Block from Alpha 1.5 (Block #23)

  • Main Menu & Course Navigation Customization (navigation items on/off) (Alpha - Sidebar, Alpha - Course Page)

  • Optional teacher avatar inside the course card - (Alpha - Course Page - Display teachers)

  • Optional Default Moodle Footer Buttons (Alpha - Footer)

  • Top bar - Color Customization - Custom HTML Area -> Link Color, Link Color on Hover

  • Theme Setting - Sidebar Icon Color

  • Sidebar - Additional field inside the main navigation container with sample code snippet (Sidebar - Custom Navigation Items)


  • RWD Improvements

  • Course Card UI (each card has the same height)

  • Course Index Sidebar on the left

  • Hidden Sidebar (up to 1440px sidebar is next to the content)

  • Pagination Hover Color (Blue to Primary 600 - text, Primary 100 - background)

  • Site home - redirect=0 when the Start page for users is different than "Site home"

  • Theme Settings - description Improvements

  • UI Improvements

  • Report Builder UI

  • Progress bar with percentage information (File manager)


  • Missing titles on the course index page (Moodle 4.0.2+)

  • Minor bug fixes

  • Block #0 (Main Moodle Blocks) position

  • Block #2 Issue (Video Hero) - Show Colorized Content Wrapper

  • Block #4 (FAQ) translation issue

  • Calendar UI

  • Now My Courses section is fully translatable

  • Plugins table and Settings and Uninstall button (UI)

  • Sidebar Color Customization

  • Theme settings issue - Top bar - Turn on a logo area

  • Quiz edit question issue

  • Unnecessary background image on the login page (Layout #2, #3)

  • Minor bug fixes

[2.0.0] - June 14, 2022

  • Released

Last updated