Block #2 (Hero Video)

Script: vidbg.js v2.1 is licensed under The MIT License.

Available options:

  1. Full-width container (on/off)

  2. Additional Class Name

  3. Content Wrapper Alignment: (Left, Middle, Right)

  4. Heading Size: (Normal, Large, Extra Large) Normal: 40px , Large: 60px , Extra large: 80px

  5. Heading Color: White, Dark, Gradient

  6. Heading Font Weight: Normal(400), Medium(500), Bold (700)

  7. Show Colorized Content Wrapper (on/off)

  8. Content Wrapper Color

  9. Heading

  10. Caption

  11. HTML Content

Required files to add

  1. Video Background (poster) - jpg, png

  2. Video Background (mp4)

  3. Video Background (webm)

mp4 to webm converter

Last updated